Calhoun County Schools will will administer the West Virginia General Summative Assessment (WVGSA) for Grades 3-8 on May 2nd -5th. The WVGSA measures academic progress for students and schools in West Virginia.
The WVGSA is an untimed test administered online. All public school students, including virtual school students, will participate in the WVGSA at the grade level in which they are enrolled, unless they meet the criteria for participation in the West Virginia Alternate Summative Assessment.
The test will be administered at your student’s school . Students in Grades 3-8 will take the English language arts (ELA) reading, ELA writing, and mathematics sections of the test, with students in Grades 5 and 8 also taking science. Individual student reports will be sent to parents/guardians.
Remember encourage your student to perform to the best of their ability during the WVGSA. The Frequently Asked Questions document found here :, will provide additional details regarding this year’s test administration. A separate informational sheet that provides more details about the WVGSA also is included.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact the principal or counselor at your student’s school.